Roadrunner Wildlife Attractors / Bigfoot Traps 2014
Here you will find information for Trappers - Predator Hunters - Fur Buyers - and much more.
We have been busy this past year - designing new products - testing - marketing - learning.
We got a chance to run a small trapline - with some Harbor Freight cage traps - the Model 9646 collapsible 32" x 13 1/2" x 10" cage trap.
We have been working on some new cage traps designs - with take apart wooden frames - but encounter some difficulties with implementation of some trigger designs - and also the practically of having double door guillotine style traps in the field - working in all conditions -
It was felt that by using wooden frames - with removable wire mesh inserts - some of the problems associated with freezing conditions could be diminished - as well as refusals by more trap shy animals. This idea is still being tested and not quite ready for market place.
The Harbor Freight traps performed quite well - but it was noticed that the pan tension - pan position - trigger arms - trigger rods - all need various adjustments coming straight from the box.
Generally though - they were acceptable as stock traps - but a couple had various little defects - broken wire mesh - rewelds - bends - nothing major though.
We also found the propensity for the pedestal pan to become immoveable due to debris getting under it - which was alleviated by careful attention in setting the trap in it's bed. Other cage trappers recommend settling the cage by rocking it back and forth in its bed. We have found that this is a good way in soft soil - or desert sands - but you must be sure to clean out under neath the pedestal pan - to prevent debris - rocks - dirt - from impeding the travel of the pan.
The traps collapsible feature is great - it will collapsible completely flat - allowing storage in compact areas - and making it easy to carry in a car. We found we could fit 5 traps - easily -
in a compact car - fully assembled - which makes setting easy and fast. We also found that by using local rocks - we could assure that the trap would not be rolled over by the catch.
Overall - we had a great time testing these Harbor Freight traps - and I can say that for the price - function - availability - form - these traps are really a good deal. They had no problem holding the gray fox we trapped. We caught a spotted skunk and found that the release / bait door in the rear to be most advantageous - when having to release the catch - (good bye mr. stinky) - which makes ADC work much easier.
I don't think they compare to some other type traps - but I don't suppose they have to -
they just have to work - and with some modifications - they can be improved upon - and the pedestal pans can be relocated to work as walk-through type triggers as well. More on this later.
Here are some photos to enjoy of our trapline 2014.
Future post will include instructions on building cage traps - muskrat colony traps - floating traps - lure making - predator calling - and other fun stuff - stay tuned - and check out our TRAPPER ED YouTube Channel - emc